Friday, May 20, 2011


There was a time in this country when labor unions played an important role. They helped improve workplace safety laws, restrain oppressive employers, and improve working conditions. Unions, to their credit, helped play an important role in leveling the playing field for workers.

However, over time as all these conditions changed, there was less and less need for unions. Union membership declined and that’s when they became more involved in politics. They developed a close and mutually supportive relationship with the Democratic Party and they began to rewrite our labor laws in their favor.

Unions have become self focused, greedy, and power hungry at the expense of everyone else. They have severely damaged whole industries. Just look at GM and Chrysler. The labor unions, with the help of the Democrats, have strangled them to death.

The teacher's unions are ruining our public education. They do everything possible to prevent schools not only from firing lousy teachers, but also from rewarding talented teachers. If we want to improve education in this country then we've got to take on the teacher's unions.

It's ridiculous and a huge conflict of interest for employees to be forced to join a union and have their dues deducted automatically from their wages - funds which are subsequently used to hand-feed the Democratic party like an owner with his dog.

If the labor unions are, truly, adding as much value as they claim with, then they should have no problem getting voluntary donations from employees who have voluntarily signed up for the union.

All fifty states should be right to work. This would actually be good for unions. It would force them to redefine themselves to determine if they really add value to workers and, because the answer presently is "No" retool themselves to be value-added.

The reason that union workers have better pay and benefits than other workers is because government has intervened on their behalf through forced membership in unions. Not because unions add value to workers. The main thing unions then do is to support the politicians who create and defend this protected position for them.

This is wrong. Time to end the practice.


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