Thursday, June 2, 2011

[News|Trans] Radio star or I’m a singer? A high-quality music show!

Guitarist Kim DoKyun, Lee JongHyun, and Jungmo gave the viewers’ eyes and ears a treat with their ‘jam’ performance.

Rock band CNBLUE (Jung YongHwa, Lee JongHyun) and Baek Doosan (Yoo HyunSang, Kim DoKyun) were part of the MBC TV Radio Star “Show! I love Rock“ last night, June 1st.

Jungmo from TRAX, who made a surprised appearance on the show for MC Kim HeeChul said that he wanted to do an impromptu guitar performance with ‘Guitarist God’ Kim DoKyun. Kim DoKyun gladly accepted JungMo’s proposal and together with JongHyun, without music sheets and with only four chords, they gave an outstanding jam performance which wowed the audience.

Along with Kim Taewon and Shin DaeChul, Kim DoKyun is one of the ‘big three’ guitarist in the 80′s and JungMo with his excellent diverse guitar playing style is certainly the icon for the next generation. But the one who caught people’s attention the most was Lee JongHyun, whose talent had been underestimated because of his good looks.

Baek Doosan’s leader Yoo HyunSang couldn’t hide his surprise at Lee JongHyun‘s talent. He was not petty with his praise, “Hearing the guitar sound, I couldn’t say anything to CNBLUE” and Lee JongHyun was overwhelmed and emotionally he expressed, “I never thought that there would be an opportunity like this. I didn’t even realised how it ended.”

The Radio Star MCs and production crew watching the quality music show were really satisfied and commented, “We couldn’t even dream of having this kind of stage performance in our program”, “It feels like watching “, “This far exceeded the standard of sound/music for broadcast“.

Source: Naver News
Translated by: blue_jus7@twitter
Edited by: Gera@cnbluestorm


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